Englisch, Revision 14, Date: 07.02.2017
Dimensions and Specifications
The maximum reading distance for all transponders can only be achieved when the
minimum distance to metal surfaces is maintained. It is recommended to maintain the
minimum distances within the metal-free area (Figure 2). The impact on positioning ac-
curacy and range also depends on the size and distance of metal parts.
Figure 2
Minimum iron-free area around Puck Transponder HG 70661
As rule of thumb it can be said that if the metal-free area behind the transponder has
to be at least of the same range as the reading distance between transponder and an-
tenna. The reception of the transponder signal will be largely unattenuated (also refer
to Table 26 on page 53). It is essential, that the transponder
does not dip into the
meshs/loops of steel reinforcement grids
. Single metal rods, on the other hand,
hardly have any influence on the performance.
Mounting Instructions
The Transponders may be mounted on even ground using a metal screw and a wash-
er. The maximum fastening torque is not allowed to exceed 4 Nm. The diameter of the
metal washer should not be max. 18 mm. For further information please refer to the
transponder data-sheet HG G-70661.
approx. 200 mm
approx. 100 mm
Metal-free area