When you first turn on your phone and sign
into a Google Account, any existing contacts
from that account are synced with your Peo-
ple app. After that, all your contacts stay in
sync automatically on your phone, another
device, or a web browser.
If you use Exchange, you can also sync that
contact information with People.
All your People information is available from
Gmail, Google Talk, and other apps. As you
add contacts from different sources, they’re
synced automatically across all the places
you need them.
When you open the People app, you can:
• View all groups, contacts, or favorites.
Touch tabs at the top of the screen.
• Read details. Touch a name to see details
for a contact or group.
• View recent activity. When viewing a con-
tact, swipe left to see recent updates.
• Edit details. While viewing a contact,
touch the Menu icon to edit or share