The sequence of On-grid wire is wrong
Inverter detects that phase angle of L2 and L3 are reversed
Reverse connection order of L2 and L3 cable
Check (use multi-meter) if there is voltage (normally should be close to 0V) between earth & inverter frame. If the is a voltage, it means
the neutral & ground cable are not connected well on AC side. If it happened only at early morning, dawn or on rainy days with higher
air humidity, and recover soon, it should be normal.
Check (use multi-meter) if there is high voltage (normally should be lower than 10V) between N & PE cable on AC side. If the voltage
higher than 10V, it means the Neutral & ground cable are not connected well on AC side or restart inverter.
1. Check (use multi-meter) if AC side has voltage . Make sure grid power is available.
2. Make sure AC cables are connected tightly and right well.
3. If all is well, please try to turn off AC breaker and turn on again after 5 mins.
1. Make sure safety country of the inverter is set right.
2. Check (use multi-meter) if AC voltage (Between L & N) is within a normal range (Also on AC breaker side)
a. if AC voltage is high, then make sure AC cable complies with that required on user manual and AC cable is not too long
b. if voltage is low, make sure AC cable is connected well and the jacket of AC cable is not compressed into AC terminal
3. Make sure the grid voltage of your area is stable and within normal range.
1. Make sure safety country of the inverter is set right.
2. If safety country is right, then please check on inverter display if AC frequency (Fac) is within a normal range.
3. If FAC failure only appear a few times and resolved soon, it should be caused by occasional grid frequency unstability.
1. Try to decrease surrounding temperature.
2. Make sure the installation complies with the instruction on inverter user manual.
3. Try to close inverter for 15 mins, then start up again.
1. Use multi meter to check if the resistance between earth & inverter frame is about zero. If it's not, Please make the connection
between earth & inverter frame well.
2. If the humidity is very high, there maybe Isolation Failure cocur.
3. Check the resistance between BAT to earth, if the resistance is lower than 33.3k, check the system wiring connection.
4.Try to restart the inverter, check if the fault is still happens, if not, means it is just an occasional situation, or contact GoodWe.
Try to restart inverter,check if it still happens.If not,it is just an occasional situation.Otherwise, contact GoodWe immediately.
Try to restart inverter,check if it still happens.If not,it is just an occasional situation.Otherwise, contact GoodWe immediately.
Try to restart inverter,check if it still happens.If not,it is just an occasional situation.Otherwise, contact GoodWe immediately.
Try to restart inverter,check if it still happens.If not,it is just an occasional situation.Otherwise, contact GoodWe immediately.
Decrease Back-Up loads to make sure the total load power is lower than Back-Up nominal output power (please refer to page 12).
Not available of public grid power
(power lost or on-grid connection fails)
BAT voltage is too high
Ground leakage current is over-high
The battery voltage is higher than the max BAT input
voltage of the inverter.
Utility Phase Failure
Utility Loss
VAC Failure
Isolation Failure
Ground Failure
Relay Check Failure
Grid voltage is not within permissible range
Grid Efficiency is not within permissible range
Temperature inside of the inverter is too high
Self checking of relay fails
Internal communication fails
BUS voltage is over-high
Back-up side is over loaded
Inverter detects that AC voltage is beyond the normal
range required by the safety country
Inverter does not detect the connection of grid
Inverter detects that Grid frequency is beyond the
normal range required by the safety country
Inverter working environment leads to a high
temperature condition
Ground insulation impedance of Battery is
to low
Isolation failure could be caused by multi reasons like Battery
are not grounded well,DC cable is broken ,battery are aged
or surrounding humidity is comparatively heavy,etc.
Neutral & ground cable are not connected well on AC
side or just occasional failure
Inverter detects a higher DC component in AC output
Caused by a strong external magnetic field etc.
Caused by a strong external magnetic field etc.
Total Back-Up load power is higher than the nominal
backup output power
Ground I failure could be caused by multi reasons
like neutral cable on AC side is not connected well
or surrounding humidityis comparative heavy, etc.
DC Injection High
EEPROM R/W Failure
SPI Failure
DC Bus High
Back-Up Over Load
FAC Failure
BAT Over Voltage
Over Temperature
Check battery voltage is lower than Max Battery Input Voltage of the inverter. If voltage of Battery is high, please reduce battery module.
The error message below will be displayed on PV Master APP or reported by Email if the error really