- 16
1 - Unfold the Kite, back towards wind, in a debris
free area that’s nonabrasive or jagged, Extrado on
the ground, with the Leading Edge close to you
and perpendicular with the axis of the wind.
2 - Open the clip for the ONE-PUMP System for strut
inflation off one valve.
3 - Verify the Bridles.
4 - Tightly close the low section of the Inflation Valve.
5 - Unscrew the top section of the Valve and insert
the Pump Tube.
6 -
Do not overinflate your wing
. The pressure
gauge is only an indicator. There are 3 check points to
help you find your way through the inflation process:
the central strut must not make any «bulges»
between the reinforcements.
the sound, when tapping with your fingernail
on the leading edge, should not be resonant (too
inflated) or muffled (not enough).
when you press on the wing, it should not
7 - Disconnect the Pump Tube.
8 - Close the Valve and cover with neoprene protector.
9 - Close the ONE-PUMP System clip on the Strut.
10 - Take the Pump Leash off while holding the Kite
so it does not get picked up by the wind.
11 - Turn the Kite over, Intrado facing the ground,
Leading Edge facing the wind and use the sand
for anchoring the Kite.