Step 9: Install Servos, Horns & Push-rods:
(Aileron, Elevator, Rudder)
Gather together, all Servos, Control linkages (Push-Rods
& Clevises (3 ea sets), Pull-Pull hardware, Control Horns, etc). You will need 1) Drill & 1/
16” bit, # 2 Phillips head screwdriver, locktite®, CA glue, ruler, felt-tip pen.
Install Aileron Servo:
Attach the servo wire to the servo extension cable and secure the
connector with a piece of electrical tape. (
Optional: Heat shrink tubing
also works well for securing the connectors together.
) Dress the wiring
into the wing servo box and pull out the extra cable, via the hole at the
wing root.
Attach Servo to Servo Wing Box:
Insert the servo-cover plate into the servo box as shown. Predrill the
four corners about 1/4” in from each edge, using a 1/16” bit. Remove the
servo-cover and pretreat the holes with thin CA (do not glue the plate to the
servo box). Reinstall the servo-cover and install the supplied attachment
screws. Finally, predrill the cover plate where the hardwood blocks are
attached, treat with thin CA and install the screws with the attached washers.
These screws are “safety” retainers in the event the epoxy should loosen.
Install Aileron Control Horn and Push-Rod:
There are two alignments that must be made to install the aileron
push-rod: 1) Align the horns’ vertical arm in a straight line with the servo
arm and 2) align the control arms pivot point (the three, nylon bushing-
holes in the control arm) with the Aileron Hinge Line (see two pictures at
Attaching the push-rod may assist you in making and holding this es-
sential alignment. Be sure the servo arm is centered, i.e. perpendicular to
the wing surface and the aileron is in the neutral position (tape it).
Mark and drill pilot holes in the four locations to mount the aileron
control horn. Use a 1/16” bit and drill to about 1/8” depth. Generously treat
the holes and surrounding area with thin CA glue. Allow to dry. Attach the
control horn using the screws provided.
Attach the push-rod and adjust for mechanical center. Tighten the
locking nuts up to the clevis base and apply drop of locktite® to the push-
rod threads just behind the locking nuts. Be sure the clevis retainer springs
are in place and secure.
Repeat process for the other aileron.
Install the Elevator Servo:
Dress the 24” elevator, servo extension-cable through the elevator
servo hole and into the wing-saddle area. Attach the servo to the cable and
secure the connector using electrical tape. (It is prudent, but not required to
place a small piece of 1/8” Lite-ply behind the servo hole where the screws
attach and secure with CA glue for extra screw strength.) Attach the eleva-
tor servo with the servo arm centered and up as shown left. Follow all servo
manufacturers’ installation recommendations.