Seal Control Hinge Gaps:
Cut OraCover Seals:
Cut the following strip of OraCover to seal the listed control
o Ailerons
26” x 5/8”
2 ea
o Elevators
9” x 5/8”
2 ea
o Rudder 9-
” x 5/8”
1 ea
Fold each strip in the middle along its length with the OraCover’s
outer surface (shinny) to the inside of the fold. This is to allow the
adhesive surface to adhere to the hinge joint area
Place the sealing strip in the hinge joint as shown left. Place
the strip on the under side of the surface. That is the underside of
the wing-ailerons and elevators and either side of the rudder. It
only necessary to seal one side, although you may seal both sides
if you wish.
Place a thin ruler in the seal-strip center to force the fold down
to the hinge line.
Using a sealing iron, tack and secure the entire length of the
seal strip to one surface. Lay the ruler to the opposite side and seal
the other side. Repeat for all control surfaces