The XR150 produces high levels of radiation and must be operated by quali ed personnel who have read the
WARNINGS and OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS sections of the manual before operating the device.
The XR150 is an industrial type open beam x-ray generator intended to radiograph inanimate objects. The XR150
is a pulsed x-ray device that produces x-ray pulses of very short duration (30 nanoseconds). The energy produced
by the XR150 is up to 150kVp, which makes it possible to radiograph up to one half (0.5) inch (1.27 cm) of steel.
XR150 standard accessories are two keys, two 12V (or 10.8V) battery packs, and one battery charger. Remote
cable, carrying case are also common accessories.
The XR150 is a pulsed X-ray generator that emits hazardous ionizing radiation when pulsing. The XR150 should
only be
authorized personnel
who are properly trained to safely operate the generator. The XR150
must be
with proper authorities prior to use and should
be used to intentionally expose humans.
Develop and closely follow a safe operating system for using the XR150. The safe operating system must ensure
that no one is exposed to radiation above the permissible limits which are 2 mR (0.02 mSv) per hour for a member
of the public.
The safe operating system must ensure the XR150 is used within federal and state guidelines.
All operators and users of the XR150 x-ray machine must wear a personal radiation monitoring device, such as
a TLD (thermoluminescent dosimeter), lm badge, and/or a pocket dosimeter
consistent with the appropriate
federal, territorial or provincial standards
(note: an electronic dosimeter will not detect the XR150 radiation
pulses). If an operator or bystander is exposed to an unacceptable level of radiation contact your Radiation
Safety Of cer and/or appropriate health care provider.
Due to the short pulse width of the XR150, survey meters of the Geiger-Mueller and scintillator type do not
accurately detect the radiation emitted from the x-ray source.
Survey meters should be of the ionization type and should be used in the integration mode
Survey meters must not
be used in the rate mode because the XR150 does not produce constant radiation. The XR150 produces very high
rates of radiation for very short periods of time resulting in either unrealistically high readings or no readings for
a survey meter in rate mode.
The XR150 has no explosion proof rating and should not be used in an explosive atmosphere. The Spark Gap
is vented to the air and could be a source of ignition.
The XR150 is a light duty machine that is not made to pulse continuously.
The maximum duty cycle for the XR150
is 100 counts (300 pulses) every four minutes (1500 counts/4500 pulses per hour). Exceeding the duty cycle
will shorten the life of the tube and head. In temperatures above 90 °F (32.22 °C) or continual use, rest 30
seconds after every 50 pulses and 4 minutes after every 200 pulses.