and reduce stress. Infrared saunas also improve symptoms of insomnia and other stress related
Reduce toxins and improve complexions:
Perspiring in a lower temperature environment
activates the sweat glands and expels toxins and heavy metals from the body.
a. High quality craftsmanship
b. Automatic thermostat for constant temperature
c. Timer and buzzer: buzzer sounds 5 minutes before the end of the sauna session
d. Digital sensor and thermometer
e. Infrared carbon heat emitter panels
What Are Infrared Rays?
Infrared is the band of light we perceive as heat. We cannot see this band of light with the naked eye,
but we can feel this type of light in the form of heat. Our sun produces most of its energy output in the
infrared segment of the spectrum. Infrared rays heat your body without having to heat the air
in-between. This process is called conversion.
The infrared is divided into 3 segments by wavelengths measured in microns: Near Infrared
0.76-1.5 microns; Middle Infrared
– 1.5-5.6 microns; and Far Infrared – 5.6-1000 microns. Among
these segments, Far Infrared penetrates organic substances such as the human body two to three
inches so that the warming effect is very uniform.