Operating your Mini Oven
Cooking tips
When baking or grilling, it is advisable
to always pre-heat the oven to the
desired temperature, to get the best
possible cooking results.
Oil the grilled exterior before placing
food in the oven to be grilled.
Place the baking tray under the wire
rack in order to avoid oil dropping
down to the bottom and bottom heater.
If the food to be cooked is oily or
greasy, you can use two pieces of oil-
aluminum foils. Place one piece on the
baking tray and use the other piece to
cover the foods. This avoids oil/grease
splashing during cooking.
Keeping food warm
Set the function selector knob to
position .
Set the temperature to 100
Insert the wire rack, and place the food
on top of it.
If the food needs to be kept warm for
longer than 20~30 minutes, it should
be covered with tinfoil, to prevent it
from becoming too dry.
Do not leave the food in the oven
for a long time as it may become
too dry!
This function is ideal for flans, fruit
puddings, quiche, pies, etc.
Insert the wire rack to the bottom
Turn the function selector knob to
position .
Set the thermostat at required
Set the timer knob to the required
cooking time.
Wait for the oven to reach the set
temperature (the pilot light goes off),
then put the food in.
If cooking is completed before the end
of the set time, please manually turn
the timer knob to position “O”.