The test results can be saved on a PC with the supplied PC programme or
printed from there in the form of a test log. To do this, make the USB
connection between the tester and the PC (USB cable supplied with the
tester) or transfer the saved data from the MMC memory card to the PC.
Procedure on the PC – see the operating instructions for the PC software.
General information
Every test stage during which the test object is supplied with mains voltage
is time limited for reasons of safety! The maximum duration of this test
stage is approx. 4 minutes. After this time has expired a message appears
in display. At this point you can continue the test with the [->Next] button or
cancel it with the [Cancel] button.
Confirm the entry with the [OK] button – the display changes (Fig. 30) and
shows the ID number, the name of the inspector and the date (see Points
6.4 and 6.7 for entering the inspector’s name and the date). The data is
saved in the memory with the [Save] button.
A confirmation message appears (Fig. 31) – continue with the [End] button.
With the entry of an already used ID number, the data is „attached“ as a
new test to this ID number.
After the saving process, the display changes to the ‘Settings for measuring’
menu – the tester is ready for the next test (Fig. 32).
Fig. 30
Fig. 31
Fig. 32
Operating manual for the TG uni 1 appliance tester
Conducting tests in accordance with VDE 0701 and 0702 - PC I