background image



– Loosen the nuts, remove the washer and the

first plate (fig 1). 

– Insert the bar A in the stud bolts and push

towards the pinion (fig. 2).

– Fit the chain onto the pinion with teeth facing

forwards (towards ti tip of the bar). Fit the trans-
mission links into the pinion teeth (fig. 3).

– Make the chain fit perfectly against the bar (fig.


– Replace the cover, do not tighten the nut and

with a screwdriver adjust chain tension by
means of  the chain tension screw (fig. 5).

– Tighten the bar nut using the spanner provided

(fig. 6).

– Then tighten the chain tension screw with a

screwdriver until the chain fits firmly around the

– Lift the chain bar and tighten nuts with a span-

WARNING. If the chain tensioner pin does not fit
in the hole on the bar correctly it may cause irre-
parable damage when the clutch guard nuts are

– To check for correct adjustment of chain tension

try pulling the chain away from the bar. It should
not be possibletofullyremovethetransmission
linksfromthe bar The chain should slide
smoothly when pulled. If this is not the case,
please re-adjust.

– The chain will stretch after a few minutes of

work. Adjust chain again as described above .


– Disconnect the electric chain saw from the


– Remove oil cap and use a fonnel to fit the tank

with lubricating oil. Replace the cap and tighten
well (fig. 7).

– Lubrication is activatedonly when the machine is


– Chech the oil level periodically, through the side

observation glass (fig. 8).

– If the chain is not being lubricated correctly,

ensure that sawdust has not obstructed the oil-
way. The oilway is located in the main body of
the saw undemeath Plate A (see fig. 2).

– Remove the side cover and Plate A (fig. 1 and 2)

and clear any sawdust from around the chain
and oilway.

– Use good quality ecological chain oil to ensure

long life for the moving parts. Do not use reco-
vered or used oil or oil containing impurities.

– If it is necessary to use single grade oil, ensure

that it is suitable for external ambient temperatu-

0°C / +40°C = SAE20 - SAE30
0°C / -30°C = SAE10W - SAE20W


– Remove the bar cover.
– Release the chain brake.
– The main on/off switch (see fig. 9), must always

be released before pulling back the front
guard/chain brake.

– Hold the electric chain saw by its grip with both


– Press the start-lock safety button and then the

acceleration lever (fig. 9).

– Release the acceleration lever to stop the elec-

tric chain saw.
Hold the electric chain saw with both hands until
the chain is completely still.


– The chain requires sharpening when the electric

saw does not cut appropriately; this operation is
performed as follows:

– Extend the chain.
– Fix the bar in a vice so that the chain can slide

(fig 10).

– Fix the file in a file holder and place it over the

tooth at 35¡ (see notch on the file holder) (fig.

– File forward only until all the worn part of the

tooth has been eliminated.

– Count the file movements made on the first tooth

and do the same on all the others. both right and

– After some sharpenings the delimiting device

will exceed the template; file the exceeding part
by means of a flate file Round off the depth deli-
miting device (fig. 10)

– Ensure that the chain is replaced before stret-

ching to a max 5mm of its original length or if
there is too much play on the rivets.

– "Deep" filing should be performed with an elec-

tric file We advise to apply to a service centre to
perform this operation.

– Ensure that the chain slides smoothly over the

bar whe pulled with hands (periodically sharpen
chain and check chain tension)

– Bars with sprockets need frequent greasing

which can be performed as follows:

a) Fill the specific syringe with grease for bea-


b) Each time the saw is used grease through the

hole provided near the bar tip until the grea-
se penetrates onto the tip.

– There is no syringe when the bar has no "grea-

sing hole".


Summary of Contents for ALCH 1400

Page 1: ...le manuel avant d utiliser cette machine ACHTUNG vor Inbetriebnahme des Ger ts die Gebrauchsanleitung aufmerksam lesen CUIDADO antes de utilizar esta m quina lea atentaemente el manual de instruccion...

Page 2: ...ave your purchase receipt This warranty does not include damage defects caused by or resulting from abuse accidents alterations trade or commercial use It also does not cover accessories This warranty...

Page 3: ...nie 98 37 EG 2 Firmenname und Anschrift des Herstellers 3 Schallleistungspegel LWA gem Richtlinie 2000 14 EG 4 Bezugsmodell des Herstellers 5 Ger temodell 6 Seriennummer 7 Normungssymbol 8 Volt 9 Hz 1...

Page 4: ...utilizar esta m quina ler o manual de instru es 85 dB A Attenzione Il vostro apparato uditivo in pericolo di danno irreversibile Usando in modo continuativo la macchina siete esposti ad un livello di...

Page 5: ...Danger Attention aux rebonds Gefahr Auf Ruckschlag achtenl Peligro Hay que prevenlrse contra el retrocesso Gevaar Let op terugslag Perigo Aten o ao recuo Non tagliare di punta Avoid bar nose contact...

Page 6: ...corriente de red antes de llevar a cabo cualquier control Indien de electriciteitskabel bescha digd is dient u de stekker uit het stopcontact te halen voordat u een en ander gaat controleren Em caso d...

Page 7: Satety lever Livier de s curit Sicherheitshebel Palanca de securi ad Veiligheidsknop van gashendel Bot o de seguran a G Leva interruttore Throttle lever Levier acc lerateur Gashebel Palanca del ace...

Page 8: ...8 fig 7 O I L fig 8 OIL LEVEL fig 1 fig 3 fig 4 fig 6 B fig 2 A fig 5 C...

Page 9: ...9 fig 12 MAX 0 5 mm fig 11 fig 10 35 fig 9 1 2 B A fig 13...

Page 10: ...icura ed affidabile se usata nel pieno rispetto delle indicazioni contenute in questo manuale uso previsto qualsiasi altro impiego o l inosservanza delle norme di sicurezza d uso di manutenzione e rip...

Page 11: ...on devono impedire i movimenti e devono essere adatti 12 Prima di iniziare il lavoro disporsi in posizione corretta a stabile 13 Durante l uso della elettrosega allontanare terze persone 14 Si pu iniz...

Page 12: ...gani in movimento non impiegare olio usato o di recu pero non usare olio contenente impurit Quando si costretti a usare oli unigrado accer tarsi che il lubrificante sia adatto alle temperatu re estern...

Page 13: ...utti gli interventi che esulano dalla manu tenzione ordinaria bene ricorrere ad una sta zione di servizio autorizzata Far controllare spesso la elettrosega presso il Vostro meccanico di fiducia Usare...

Page 14: ...full respect of the instructions contained in this manual forecast use any other use or failure to comply with the instructions for safe use maintenance and repair shall be considered as improper use...

Page 15: ...vironment Proper use of the chain saw 11 Wear suitable clothes which do not hinder movement 12 Find a stable position before beginning work 13 Keep people away from the chain saw when using it 14 Chec...

Page 16: ...g parts Do not use reco vered or used oil or oil containing impurities If it is necessary to use single grade oil ensure that it is suitable for external ambient temperatu res 0 C 40 C SAE20 SAE30 0 C...

Page 17: ...points subject to major friction replace when thickness becomes less than half of the initial thickness SCREW TIGHTENING Periodically test that all screws and nuts are secure Never operate the saw wit...

Page 18: ...t utilis e dans le plein respect des indications contenues dans ce manuel utilisation pr vue toute autre utilisation ou le non respect des normes de s curit pour l emploi l entretien et la r paration...

Page 19: ...omportement 11 Les v tements ne doivent pas emp cher les mouvements et doivent tre appropri s 12 Avant de commencer travailler se mettre dans une position correcte et stable 13 Pendant le tron onnage...

Page 20: ...oblig d utiliser des huiles unigra des s assurer que le lubrificant est indiqu pour les temp ratures ambiantes externes 0 C 40 C SAE20 SAE30 0 C 30 C SAE10W SAE20W MISE EN MARCHE Enlever le couvre gu...

Page 21: ...nt l tat du dispositif frein cha ne Le remplacer s il est endommag SERRAGE DES VIS V rifier p riodiquement le serrage des vis et des crous Ne jamais travailler avec des parties l ches et s ily en a il...

Page 22: ...itung beschriebenen Bedingungen Vorgesehener Gebrauch einen sicheren Betrieb Jeder andersartige Einsatz des Ger ts bzw das Nichtbeachten der Hinweise bez glich Sicherheit Wartung und Reparatur ist als...

Page 23: ...tand der Elektros ge und im Besonderen das Kettenschwert und die Kette pr fen 10 Die Maschine darf in einem Explosivumgebun nicht laufen Verhaltensvorschriften 11 Zum Auftanken mit Gemisch erst den Mo...

Page 24: ...usschalten Die Hauptschamter on off mu immer ent spannt sein bevor die Bremse ausgeschaltet wird Die Elektros ge mit beiden H nden an den vor gesehenen Griffen anfassen Mit der Handfl che den Sicherhe...

Page 25: ...rpr fen es ersetzen wenn sich die ersten ausgefransten Stellen zeigen KETTENBREMSE Des fteren die Leistungsfahigkeit der Bremse und die Bandst rke an den Auflagestellen pr fen Bei starker Abnutzung me...

Page 26: ...nte las indicaciones que contiene este manual uso pre visto cualquier otra utilizaci n o el no respetar las normas de seguridad de uso de mantenimiento y reparaci n indicadas est considerado como uso...

Page 27: ...ovimientos 12 Antes de comenzar el trabajo adopte una postura correcta y firme 13 Durante el uso de la electrosierra alejar terceras personas 14 Se puede iniciar la tala solamente despu s de asegurars...

Page 28: ...ada correctamente asegurarse de que los residuos no han obstrui do el conducto del aceite el cual est ubicado en el cuerpo principal de la sierra debajo de la chapeta A Quitar la tapa lateral y la cha...

Page 29: ...o caso superior a la altura de los eslabones moto res de la cadena de modo que stos no vayan a rozar el fondo quando esto suceda sustituir la barra Con el uso el pi on queda grabado por los esla bones...

Page 30: ...eemplace las dos escobillas por dos nuevas originales PROLONGACIONES DE ALIMENTACI N Le aconsejamos que use un cable apto para ser utilizado al exterior y que tenga la secci n ade cuada Para uso hasta...

Page 31: deze gebruikt wordt volgens de aanwijzingen in deze handleiding voorbestemd gebruik elke andere toepassing of het niet respecteren van de veiligheidsnormen of die voor gebruik onderhoud en reparati...

Page 32: ...ragsnormen 11 Draag altijd speciale veiligheidskleding die U niet in Uw bewegingen mag hinderen 12 Zorg dat u bij het zagen goed stevig en in de juiste houding staat 13 Laat bij het zagen geen derden...

Page 33: ...erin Wanneer u geen andere mogelijkheid heeft dan een graad olie te gebruiken kijk dan eerst of de olie wel geschikt is voor de buitentemperatuur waarin u werkt 0 C 40 C SAE20 SAE30 0 C 30 C SAE10W S...

Page 34: ...ider vervangen worden Bij langdurig gebruik wordt het aandrijftandwiel door de kettingschakels ingesleten waardoor de originale stand van de ketting op het tandwiel lichtjes wordt gewijzigd Deze insni...

Page 35: ...orstels VERLENGSNOER Gebruik verlengsnoeren die bestemd zijn voor bui ten en met de aangegeven doorsnee tot 20 meter 1 5 mmq tot 50 meter 2 5 mmq tot 100 meter 4 0 mmq BEVEILIGING VAN ELECTRICITEITSLE...

Page 36: ...ilizada no pleno respeito das instru es que constam deste manual uso previsto toda outra utiliza o ou a inobserv ncia das normas de seguran a de uso manuten o e repara o indicadas considerada como uso...

Page 37: ...11 As roupas n o devem impedir os movimentos e devem ser apropriadas 12 Antes de come ar o trabalho posicionar se de forma correcta e est vel 13 Durante o uso da motosserra solicitar que as outras pes...

Page 38: ...completamente Se a corrente n o estiver lubrificada correcta mente certificar se de que os res duos n o ten ham obstru do o canal do leo que se encontra no corpo principal da motosserra sob a plaque t...

Page 39: ...lix los com lima e lixa de grana fina Quando os carris estiverem muito desgastados controlar se a altura sempre superior altura dos elos de trac o da corrente de modo que estes n o toquem o fundo Se i...

Page 40: para desbloquear e retirar as duas escovas desga stadas Substitu las por duas escovas novas originais EXTENS ES Recomenda se usar um cabo apropriado para exterior e com a sec o aconselhada at 20 m...

Page 41: ...41 GR fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi...

Page 42: ...42 fi 1 16 fi fi fi 2 fi 3 4 5 6 fi fi 7 8 fi fi fi 9 10 fi 11 12 13 fi 14 fi fi a b fi fi c fi fi 15 fi 16 fi 17 18 fi 19 20 fi 21 22 23 24 fi 25 GR...

Page 43: ...2 fi fi fi fi fi 3 fi 4 5 6 fi fi fi fi fi fi 7 fi fi fi fi 8 fi fi A fi A fi fi fi fi fi 0 C 40 C SAE20 SAE30 0 C 30 C SAE10W SAE20W fi fi on off fi fi 9 fi fi fi fi 10 fi fi 35 10 fi fi fi 1 fi fi f...

Page 44: fi fi fi 10 fi fi 5 mm fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi 11 fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi 0 5 mm fi 12 fi fi fi fi o fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi A 13 A fi B 44 GR...

Page 45: fi fi fi fi fi fi fi 20 m 1 5 mm2 50 m 2 5 mm2 100 m 4 0 mm2 fi fi fi fi 10 30 mA fi fi fi 45 GR...

Page 46: ...t Nous assumons la garantie seulement pour les d fauts de fabrication ou pour les vices sur les mati res premi res qui rendraient nos appareils et machi nes impropres l usage normal selon les instruct...

Page 47: ...vanaf de aankoopdatum eindgebruiker Bewaar daarom altijd dr aankoopfactuur 3 Voorwarde De garantie dekt zowel onderdelen als arbeidsloon echter niet de transportkosten 4 Ultzondering De garantie verva...

Page 48: ...Cod 171501004 0 Tipografia Asolana Asolo TV GMC Melbourne Victoria 3061...
