The following pages list the menu func-
tions available together with a brief de-
scription of each. To access these func-
tions, refer to the section on using the me-
Mode (Menu 1)
GS (Menu 1 1)
When switched on, this function enables
you to use the Globalstar satellite network
GSM (Menu 1 2)
When switched on, this function enables
you to use the terrestrial GSM network
GS then GSM (Menu 1 3)
When switched on, the telephone will
connect as far as possible to the Global-
star satellite network.
Note: if there is no satellite network si-
gnal, the telephone will switch on the ter-
restrial GSM network. Usually every
30’ (but this time varies upon the network
operator’s request) the telephone will re-
peat the network search: if the signal is
available, it switches automatically on the
satellite network, otherwise it remains on
the terrestrial GSM network.
GSM then GS (Menu 1 4)
When switched on, the telephone will
connect as far as possible to the terre-
strial GSM network.
Note: if there is no terrestrial GSM net-
work signal, the telephone will switch on
the Globalstar satellite network. Usually
every 30’ (but this time varies upon the
network operator’s request) the telephone
will repeat the network search: if the si-
gnal is available, it swtiches automatically
on GSM network, otherwise it remains on
the satellite network.
Positioning (Menu 2)
Error display (Menu 2 1)
This function allows to display the recei-
ved position information of the telephone,
even if position error is greater than 10
Km in comparison to the effective position
(see the following menu).
Position (Menu 2 2)
This function allows to detect the geo-
graphic position of the telephone: the re-
ceived position in relation to the effective
position of the telephone is of approxima-
tely 10 Km.
Last Position (Menu 2 3)
This function allows to display the last 10
received position values. To scroll the me-
nu up and down, press keys