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There are brief periods of time where there is no satellite in range of the simplex transmitters due to obstructions
and/or satellite coverage geometry. Since a simplex device has no way of knowing if a transmitted message has been
successfully received, the ST100 Board is designed to send multiple (redundant) transmissions for each message being
sent over the Globalstar network. The default value for the number of redundant transmissions per message is 3. This
means that each message sent to the ST100 Board will normally be transmitted 3 times. Each transmission will contain
the exact same data payload. The redundant transmissions of each message will be sent on a randomized interval with a
configurable maximum and minimum duration. The default configuration is for each re-transmission will occur between
5 to 10 minutes from the previous one with an even pseudo-randomized distribution.
The transmission sequence for a single-packet message using the default setting of 3 redundant transmissions is shown