Global Water
- 13 -
Use initialization file
Select the modem’s COM port
Sample initialization text file:
This is for reference and applies to
an external US Robotics modem only.
ATM1 ; speaker off when connects
AT&B1 ; fixed serial port rate
AT&D2 ; normal DTR
AT&H1&R2 ; h/w flow control
Connect 19200
AT&I0 ; disable s/w flow control
AT&K0 ; disable compression
AT&M4 ; normal error control
Select the COM port for your modem
and the baud rate. Type in the phone
number or select it from the list of pre-
stored numbers. If necessary, click the “Use Initialization File” box and use
the browse button to search for the initialization text file for your modem. Click
“Connect” and the software will dial out, showing the status screen shown above.