background image

Please read this user guide before use and keep it for future reference.




tobacco heater

 (referred as “the product”) and all the 

accessories included in the starter kit are intended for adult use only. 

Keep out of the reach of children. 


must not

 play with the product or any of the accessories 

included in the starter kit. Cleaning and user maintenance 

shall not


made by children.
The product 

must not

 be used by adults with reduced physical, 

sensory, mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge, 

unless they are under supervision or have been given instructions 

concerning the use of the product by a person responsible for their 

This product contains a Lithium-ion non-replaceable rechargeable 

battery cell. 

Do not

 attempt to replace the battery as this may lead to 

damage, which could cause overheating, fire, explosion and injury. 



 dispose of the battery or any component of your product in a fire. 

          This product should only be connected to a safety

          extra-low voltage (SELV) circuit using a 1A adaptor or the


 USB AC Adaptor (YJC010W Series). Using an adaptor with a 

current output lower than this will result in a slower charge

time. Adhere to all safety information as detailed in the

User Guide of the AC/DC adaptor that you are using. 

Do not

 leave the product unattended whilst charging. 

Do not 


near flammable materials or environments such as bedding or petrol 

The product may take up to 3.5 hours to be fully charged at ambient 

temperature. If it does not fully charge within 4 hours discontinue use 

and contact the customer helpline. 

Do not use

 if the product or USB cable show signs of damage:

a. A damaged or malfunctioning product may contain a damaged or 

defective lithium-ion battery and should be disposed of in 

accordance with warning 14. 

Do not

 take it onto an aeroplane. 

b. To return a damaged or malfunctioning product, it must be shipped 

in accordance with applicable local transportation regulations. 

Do not 

leave the product or any of its accessories exposed to a heat 

source, such as direct sunlight on a car dashboard. 

Do not

 use your 


 tobacco heater if hot to the touch.

Do not

 drop, crush, pierce, incinerate, or immerse the product or the 

USB cable in any liquid, or expose it to explosive fumes.

Do not

 insert any foreign objects, cigarettes, or any tobacco sticks 

other than 


 sticks into the 


 tobacco heater. 

Do not

 disassemble or tamper with your 


 tobacco heater or USB 

Cable. Any inappropriate, incorrect, or irresponsible use will void any 

warranty and could result in serious injury.

Use and charge the product between 15°C-25°C for optimum 


 Avoid exposing your device to ambient temperatures 

above 45°C or below -20°C. 

Do not

 charge below 0°C or above 45°C 

to prevent irreversible damage to the device or battery. 


This symbol on the 


 Tobacco Heater and packaging


indicates that this product complies with applicable Swiss


laws and regulations (notably, the Ordinance on return,


take-back and disposal of electrical and electronic 

equipment - “OREA”) for all our 



Instead, it must be disposed of by returning it to a designated 

collection point for the recycling of waste electrical equipment. 

Contact your local authority to find out where the nearest collection 

point is located. You can also return the device to


. For more information, visit

Should you have any queries regarding 


 products, please contact 

our customer helpline 0800 000 396.

Operating temperatures

Discharge: -20°C to 45°C
Charging: 0°C to 45°C
Always keep the device between 15°C and 25°C for optimum performance. 

Extreme temperatures can reduce the capacity and lifetime of the device’s 

battery. Cold conditions might temporarily shorten battery life and could 

cause the device to turn off. Battery life will return to normal in higher 

ambient temperatures. Avoid exposing your device to ambient temperatures 

higher than 45°C, which may permanently damage the device or battery.
Manufacturer: Nicoventures Trading Ltd., Globe House, 1 Water Street 

London WC2R 3LA, United Kingdom

Importer: BAT Switzerland SA, Route de France 17, 2926 Boncourt
Should you have any queries regarding your 


 tobacco heater, please 

contact our customer helpline:

E-Mail: [email protected]

Hotline (free of charge): 0800 000 396

C O L O U R   T A R G E T S   I N   P R I N T   S E Q U E N C E :

E M B O S S   &   V A R N I S H   A R E A S   S C A L E   1 :


GLO User Guide


Development CoE










68x135mm single spread














(Order Nr. xx-xxx-xx)


(Order Nr. xx-xxx-xx)

KSJ 531177 v3.3 bd

A R T W O R K   C O D E

A G E N C Y   R E F E R E N C E

M A S T E R F I L E   O R   H E R O   R E F E R E N C E

F L A T   S I Z E   m m

P A C K A G I N G   D E V E L O P E R


A * B * H -   D I M E N S I O N   m m

C O L O U R   T A R G E T S   I N   P R I N T   S E Q U E N C E :

E M B O S S   &   V A R N I S H   A R E A S   S C A L E   1 :




(Order Nr. xx-xxx-xx)


Pantone 649 c

(Order Nr. xx-xxx-xx)


Pantone 7546 c

(Order Nr. xx-xxx-xx)


Summary of Contents for HYPER X2


Page 2: ...tionierender glo Tabak Heater kann einen besch digten oder defekten Lithium Ionen Akku enthalten und muss gem ss folgendem Sicherheitshinweis 14 entsorgt werden Ein besch digter oder nicht ordnungsgem...

Page 3: ...nsdauer des Akkus beeintr chtigen Kalte Aussentemperaturen k nnen die Akkulaufzeit vor bergehend verk rzen und zur Abschaltung des Ger tes f hren Die Akkulaufzeit normalisiert sich wieder bei steigend...

Page 4: ...DE DE 5 6 PRODUKTABBILDUNG 1 Heater ffnung 2 Verschlussklappe 3 LED Display 4 Boost Knopf 5 Standard Knopf 6 USB Ladeanschluss 7 Reinigungsklappe 4 5 6 7 1 2 3...

Page 5: ...sition sollten Sie die farbliche Markierung am Filter des neo Sticks noch sehen Normale Zigaretten auch Demi Slim Formate passen nicht in den glo Tabak Heater und d rfen nicht genutzt werden Nutzen Si...

Page 6: ...nutzung starten Eine Nutzung starten Um eine Nutzung im gew nschten Modus zu starten dr cken und halten Sie den entsprechenden Knopf f r 3 Sekunden wie unten dargestellt Als Hinweis dass die Nutzung g...

Page 7: ...Die Nutzung eines neo Sticks kann nicht pausiert werden Der benutzte neo Stick muss entnommen und ersetzt werden bevor die n chste Nutzung gestartet werden kann 06 Entsorgung des neo Sticks Entsorgen...

Page 8: ...reinigt wird ffnen Sie die Reinigungsklappe auf der Unterseite des glo Tabak Heaters Benutzen Sie ein Taschentuch um R ckst nde und Feuchtigkeit vom Boden des Ger ts und der Reinigungsklappe zu entfer...

Page 9: ...infach unter laufendes Wasser Stellen Sie sicher dass die Reinigungsb rste getrocknet ist bevor Sie sie wieder zum S ubern des Tabak Heaters nutzen WARNUNG DER VERSUCH R CKST NDE DURCH FESTES KLOPFEN...

Page 10: ...neue Nutzung und warten Sie bis sich die Temperatur des Ger ts wieder normalisiert hat Stoppen Sie die Nutzung stoppen Sie den Ladevorgang und warten Sie einige Minuten bis sich die Temperatur des Ger...

Page 11: ...treexp di conform ment auxr glementationslocalesenvigueurenmati redetransport Nelaissezpasl appareilglo etl undesesaccessoires proximit d unesource dechaleuroudansunendroito ilsserontexpos s lalumi re...

Page 12: ...utilis s selon l infrastructure de traitement des d chets lectriques et lectroniques en place Veuillez vous conformer aux r glementations locales et ne pas jeter vos produits usagers avec vos d chets...

Page 13: ...llustration de l appareil glo 1 Entr e de la chambre de chauffe 2 Loquet coulissant 3 Affichage LED circulaire 4 Bouton mode Boost 5 Bouton mode Standard 6 Port de chargement USB 7 Volet de nettoyage...

Page 14: ...stade vous devez encore voir le haut du collier color sur le bout du neo stick Les cigarettes demi slim normales ne fonctionnent pas avec l appareil chauffer le tabac glo Veuillez utiliser uniquement...

Page 15: ...lorsque vous commencez une session D marrage d une session Pour d marrer une session dans le mode souhait appuyez et maintenez le bouton appropri pendant 3 secondes comme indiqu ci dessous L appareil...

Page 16: ...ucement pour vous indiquer qu il est en train de s teindre Une session ne peut pas tre mise en pause Le neo stick existant doit tre retir et remplac avant que la prochaine session suivante puisse comm...

Page 17: ...le volet de nettoyage sous l appareil glo Utilisez un chiffon pour liminer toute humidit du dessous de l appareil et du volet de nettoyage Pour une performance optimale liminer toute humidit dans le v...

Page 18: ...cer la brosse sous l eau courante Veillez ce que la brosse de nettoyage soit s che avant de l utiliser nouveau avec l appareil chauffer le tabac glo ATTENTION Tenter d enlever les r sidus en frappant...

Page 19: ...une nouvelle session et attendez quelques minutes ou que la temp rature de l appareil se soit stabilis e Arr tez la session la charge et attendez quelques minutes ou jusqu ce que la temp rature de l...

Page 20: ...obaccoheatereisuoiaccessoriinprossimit difontidi caloreoespostodirettamenteairaggisolarioallealtetemperature comead esempiosulcruscottodell auto Nonutilizzareglo tobaccoheaterincasoincui sipresentisur...

Page 21: ...iciclati e riutilizzati a seconda del processo locale per il trattamento dei rifiuti elettrici Rispetta la legislazione locale e non smaltire i tuoi vecchi prodotti come rifiuti domestici urbani Il co...

Page 22: ...42 IT IT Scheda Prodotto 1 Apertura camera di riscaldamento 2 Chiusura 3 Display a LED 4 Pulsante modalit boost 5 Pustante modalit standard 6 Porta di ricarica USB 7 Apertura per la pulizia 4 5 6 7 1...

Page 23: ...cora vedere la parte alta della fascia colorata del filtro del neo stick Le sigarette tradizionali Demi slim non sono compatibili con glo tobacco heater Utilizzare esclusivamente i neo stick Per caric...

Page 24: ...ziare una sessione Per avviare una sessione nella modalit desiderata tenere premuto il pulsante appropriato per 3 secondi come mostrato sotto Il dispositivo vibrer per indicare che la sessione iniziat...

Page 25: ...r segnala lo spegnimento con una leggera vibrazione La sessione non pu essere messa in pausa Il neo stick deve essere rimosso e sostituito con uno nuovo prima della sessione successiva 06 Smaltimento...

Page 26: ...alla pulizia nella parte inferiore di glo tobacco heater Utilizzare un fazzoletto per rimuovere l umidit depositata sul fondo del dispositivo e sullo sportellino di pulizia Per mantenere prestazioni o...

Page 27: ...te sotto l acqua corrente Prima di utilizzare nuovamente il cleaner per la pulizia di glo tobacco heater assicurarsi che sia totalmente asciutto ATTENZIONE ll tentativo di eliminare eventuali residui...

Page 28: ...bilizzata Interrompere la sessione interrompere la ricarica e attendere qualche minuto o finch la temperatura del dispositivo non si sia stabilizzata Resettare il dispositivo tenendo premuto il pulsan...

Page 29: ...rd Do not use your glo tobacco heater if hot to the touch Do not drop crush pierce incinerate or immerse the product or the USB cable in any liquid or expose it to explosive fumes Do not insert any fo...

Page 30: recycled and reused depending on your local electrical waste processing infrastructure Please act according to your local rules and do not dispose of your old products with your normal household w...

Page 31: ...59 60 EN EN Product Diagram 1 Heater entrance 2 Shutter door 3 LED ring display 4 Boost button 5 Base button 6 USB charging port 7 Cleaning door 4 5 6 7 1 2 3...

Page 32: ...o heater At this point you should still see the top of the coloured collar on the tipping of the neo stick Normal demi slim cigarettes will not work with the glo tobacco heater Please only use neo sti...

Page 33: ...ode when you start a session Starting a session To start a session in the desired mode press and hold the appropriate button for 3 seconds as shown below The device will vibrate to indicate the sessio...

Page 34: ...e glo tobacco heater will gently vibrate to let you know it s turning off A session cannot be paused The existing neo stick must be removed and replaced before the next session can begin 06 Dispose of...

Page 35: ...ning Open the cleaning door at the bottom of the glo tobacco heater Use a tissue to wipe away any collected moisture from the bottom of the device and cleaning door For best performance moisture at th...

Page 36: ...ush Simply rinse brush under running water Please make sure that the cleaning brush is dried when using again with glo tobacco heater WARNING ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE DEBRIS BY FIRMLY TAPPING OR SHAKING T...

Page 37: ...t with charging Do not start a new session and wait for a few minutes or until the device temperature has stabilised Stop session stop charging and wait for a few minutes or until the device temperatu...

Page 38: ...Model No G500 Li ion 3250mAh...

Page 39: ...rder Nr xx xxx xx Magenta Order Nr xx xxx xx KSJ 531177 v3 3 bd A R T W O R K C O D E A G E N C Y R E F E R E N C E M A S T E R F I L E O R H E R O R E F E R E N C E F L A T S I Z E m m P A C K A G I...
