Thank you for purchasing a Pro Series Pumps product.
We, at Glentronics, strive for excellence in all of our
products and work to make everything user friendly.
Should you need our help, please visit our website at
www.StopFlooding.com or contact us at 1-800-991-0466.
Getting set up and connected is simple
1. Determine what Pro Series device you have and how
you are attaching to it
2. Attach your WiFi Module to your Pro Series system
3. Accessories available
4. Wi-Fi water alarm
5. Mount your WiFi Module
6. Connect to your Wi-Fi network
7. Register online
Other important information
8. Test the setup
9. The Glentronics Connect website
10. Explanation of the lights
11. Resetting the module & Troubleshooting
Before you begin
View the installation video at
What you need:
Small flathead screw driver
Wi-Fi network name
Wi-Fi network passphrase
Wi-Fi capable device (computer, tablet, or smartphone)
Recommended: Battery backup for your Wi-Fi router/
modem (battery built-into router or UPS)
This is a Wi-Fi based device that can remotely alert the user
of potential water problems in their home. It will use the
internal Wi-Fi chip to connect to the user’s Wi-Fi network
through their router. When connected to a backup sump pump
system, it will send an email or a text message to the user’s
phone, or other device, when there is a potential problem
with the connected sump pump system. In the past, the user
would have to be home to be notified of any problem with
water or the sump pump system. With this device, the user
will be able to receive alerts when away from home.
This WiFi Module includes:
• WiFi Module • 6V Battery pack (4 x AA not included)
• Remote terminal cable • 12V Battery cable
• Mini USB cable
• Micro USB cable
• 5V 1A USB charger
• Mounting hardware
(1) Determine what Pro Series device you are
attaching to and how to attach
(see diagram sheet for visual help)
1. If you are attaching to a
Pro Series Connect backup
system with a USB port:
Go to section 2A
List of compatible models:
2. If you are attaching to a Pro Series
backup system with a Remote terminal:
(Backup systems that do
not have a USB port)
Go to section 2B
WiFi Module Instruction Manual