Systole = maximum pressure level when the heart contracts and blood is pushed into the blood
As you proceed with decompression, the pulsations gradually decrease until they suddenly disappear
or become so low as to be imperceptible.
The pressure indicated by the gauge needle at the moment the pulsations disappear is referred to
as the “diastolic or minimum pressure”.
Diastole: minimum blood pressure level when the heart muscle is expanding and refilling with blood.
4) Now completely open the release valve until air begins to come out of the armband. Blood
pressure measurement is now completed.
Pressure indication range:
0-300 mmHg
Measuring Range of Cuff:
0-300 mmHg
Accuracy of cuff pressure display: ±3mmHg
Operating Environment:
+10°C to +40°C,
85% relative humidity or below
Storage Environment:
-20°C to +70°C, 85% relative humidity
Specifications are subject to change without notice due to improvements in performance.
1. Gauge and bulb
Cleaning: The gauge and bulb can be wiped with a damp cloth. Sterilization is not necessary, as
the parts do not come into direct contact with the patient’s body. Gauge should be handled with
care, do not drop or jar. Needle should indicate zero when armband is fully untouched.
2. Armbands
Cleaning: After removing the plenum chamber, the liners can be wiped with a damp cloth, or you
can wash them with soap and cold water. If you use this second method, rinse the armbands with
clean water and leave them to air dry. Armbands must not be ironed.
The plenum chamber and tubes can be wiped with a damp cotton cloth.
Always deflate cuff before storing. Avoid hot objects against surface or stethoscope.
The Gima 12-month standard B2B warranty applies.