Br-EFB Configuration (Text Menus)
For accessing the Br-EFB through the USB or Rs-422 serial port, you can use any
computer running just about any serial terminal program.
We provide a free stand-alone terminal program called GilderTerm that makes
working with GilderGear through the serial port a little easier. There is also a version of
GilderTerm built into the Pc•MACs program.
Most Gilderfluke & Co products can be controlled through their RS-232 or RS-422
Serial ports. The Br-EFB has a single Rs-422 serial port on it. You can attach operator
panels to access and control the Br-EFB, or you can use a WiFi or Ethernet modem
so that it can be accessed from around the block or around the world.
GilderTerm is available free from Gilderfluke & Co. for use with all of our products. It
can be downloaded from our web page, and is included on all of our CD-ROMs.
GilderTerm has been optimized for use with all Gilderfluke & Company equipment. All
the commands are built in, and it will even let you use your mouse to select
commands by clicking on the menus.
If you are using GilderTerm, all the settings are fixed at the appropriate settings. All
you will need to do is select the appropriate ‘COM’ port. To talk to the Br-EFB, just
configure your terminal program for 9600 baud, no parity, eight data bits, one stop bit
and no flow control handshaking.
Computers don’t normally come with serial ports on them anymore. Instead, you
use a USB-to-Serial (
) adapter, BlueTooth-to-Serial
), Ethernet-to-Serial (
) adapter, or
WiFi-to-Serial (
) adapter. For the Br-EFB you will need one that
provides the more common RS-232. These are available from a number of different
sources, including Gilderfluke & Company. Our part number is
provides both RS-232 and RS-422 connections. Our lower cost
provides just a single RS-232 serial connection, so it won't help with the Br-EFB.
To enter the configuration mode you need to press the ‘configure’ button on
GilderTerm, or type the following. The (address) is replaced by the two digit
HEXadecimal address of the Br-EFB you are talking to.
If any other card is in configuration mode (or even if it just thinks another card is in
configuration), the Br-EFB won't be able to enter configuration mode. To exit any other
card from configuration type 'XN'. You can then try entering configuration again.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 79 of 142