First click to add a domain, region name are free to take, after determining the list of selected regional areas to create
a domain name, select add device as shown in picture 5.6.
As the follow prompts to input the DVR device requires information, confirmed and adding successful, repeat the above
operation, can be added to multiple DVR equipment, management and monitoring operations.
If you want to modify the equipment which have added before, selected the modify the DVR at first, then click the icon
to modify the parameters, but also can delete the DVR which added on the regional list already for deletion.
After completed add DVR these steps, click the label of the right corner for real-time monitoring, switch to multi-monitor
screen interface, double-click the top left column of the DVR channel device can carry out real-time monitoring.
Picture 5.6
Picture 5.7
Picture 5.3 CMS login interface
Picture 5.4 CMS control interface
Picture 5.5
5.2 Client CMS software operation
CMS software is used on the same PC, support control multiple DVRs at the same time.
Please take out the CD-ROM in the accessories, copy the CMS install software in the CD-ROM After installation on the
local PC, double click the “CMS”, open the control interface appears in Picture 5.3, default without password, the client
can set the login password (Note: the password for the CMS client password, non-DVR login password).
After the enter into CMS interface, shown in Picture 5.4, Click the right corner of “System” settings, switch to the control
of management options.