3.5 Desktop shortcut menu
3.5.1 Record Mode
Please check current channel status: “
” means it is in recording status. You
can use desktop shortcut menu or click [main menu]
[record Mode] to enter
the recording control interface
Timing :
Record according to the configuration.
Manual :
Click the all button and the according channel is recording no matter
the channel in any state.
Stop :
Click the stop button and the according channel stops recording no matter
the channel in any state.
3.5.2 Video playback
Play the video files in the hard disk.
The hard disk save file. Video must be set as write-read or read-only state. (Please refered to chapter 4.5 for HDD
Steps to follow :
1) Select the recording date
2) Select the channel you want to
3) Select the recording type
Depending on what you search.
-External alarm- -motion detec-
tion- -All alarms- -manual recor-
ded video -General- or -All- for
recording type.
4) Launch the search
5) Switch to backup mode
Time line for recorded video
Play bar [table control]