GV-R7500L Graphics Accelerator
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lost on disabled monitors.
Find C ursor locates the cursor on a busy or crowded desktop.
Switch to desktop scheme (X) switches from one desktop scheme to another.
Next Desktop allows you to move up to the next active desktop.
Previous Desktop allows you to mov e down to the next active desktop.
Jump to Desktop allows you to configure a specific desktop to jump to.
Move Application to Desktop allows y ou to move an active application to a predetermined
Restore and Tile Windows tiles all open applications on one display.
Minimize all apps on current monitor minimizes all open applications on the current monitor.
Maximize app to Monitor maximizes minimized applications to a predetermined monitor.
HydraFX is only available in Windows 2000 and
Windows XP.
HydraVision HydraFX adds visual effects to your
Configure the visibility of dialogs and drop down
Configure dialogs for fade in when opened.
Add a shadow effect to dialogs.
Visibility of windows and application menus can be
independently configured. A window can be given
added depth by enabling Shadow support.
Transparency Control:
3D Controls:
Transparency Control
Enable Transparency while dragging windows - Check this box to enable the Visibility slider. Use
the slider to set the degree of v isibility a window has when being dragged across the display.
Enable Transparent menus - Check this box to enable the Visibility slider. Use the slider to set the
degree of visibility application drop-down menus have.
Enable Window fade-in - Check this box to cause an application window to slowly open or 'fade-in'
to y our desktop.
3D Controls
Enable Shadow support - Check this box to enable the Shadow support sliders.
The Visibility slider sets the degree of visibility of the shadow.
The S hadow slider sets how big a shadow is added to an application window or dialog.