Declaration of Conformity
We, M anufacturer/Importer
(full address)
G.B.T. Technology Träding GMbH
Ausschlager Weg 41, 1F, 20537 Hamburg, Germany
declare that the product
( description of the apparatus, system, installation to which it refers)
Mother Boa rd
GA-7VAX-A / GA-7VAX1394-A / GA-7VAXP-A / GA-7VAXP-A Ultra
is in conformity with
(reference to the specification under w hich conformity is declared)
in accordance with 89/336 E EC-EMC Directive
EN 550 11
Li mits a nd method s of mea sur eme nt
of radio disturba nce characteri stics of
ind ustr ial,scie ntific a nd medical ( ISM
high frequen cy equip ment
EN 610 00-3 -2*
EN 6055 5-2
Di stur bances i n su pply systems cau se
by househ old appliances an d similar
ele ctrical eq uipmen t “Ha rmoni cs”
EN 550 13
Li mits a nd method s of mea sur eme nt
of radio disturba nce characteri stics of
broa dcast receive rs and associ ated
equip ment
EN 610 00-3 -3*
Di stur bances i n su pply systems cau se
by househ old appliances an d similar
ele ctrical equ ipmen t “Vo ltage fluctuatio ns”
EN 550 14
Li mits a nd method s of mea sur eme nt
of radio disturba nce characteri stics of
household electrical appliances,
porta ble tools and simi lar electrical
EN 5008 1-1
Gen eric emission stan dard Part 1:
Resi dual commercial an d ligh t indu stry
EN 5008 2-1
Ge ner ic i mmu nity stan dard Pa rt 1:
Resi dual commercial an d ligh t indu stry
EN 550 15
Li mits a nd method s of mea sur eme nt
of radio disturba nce characteri stics of
fluo rescen t lamp s and lumina ries
Gen eric emission stan dard Part 2:
Ind ustri al environment
EN 5508 1-2
Immun ity fr om radi o i nte rfe ren ce of
broa dcast receive rs and associ ated
equip ment
Gen eric emission stan dard Part 2:
Ind ustri al environment
EN 5508 2-2
EN 550 22
Li mits a nd method s of mea sur eme nt
of radio disturba nce characteri stics of
info rmation technolo gy equip ment
lmmunity requ ireme nts for h ouseh old
applian ces tools an d similar ap paratus
ENV 55 104
Ca bled distri buti on syste ms; Equ ipme nt
fo r r ece ivi ng and /or
distr ibut ion
fro m
sound and tele vision signals
EMC requ ireme nts for un inter rupti ble
po we r syste ms ( UPS)
EN5009 1-2
EN 550 20
DIN VDE 08 55
part 10
part 12
(EC con for mity mar kin g)
CE ma rk ing
The manuf act ur er also de clare s the c onfor mity of abov e mentione d product
with the a ctual requir ed sa fet y s tanda rds in ac cor da nce with LVD 7 3/2 3 EEC
Safety requ irements for mai ns o pera ted
electronic and related apparatu s for
household and similar general use
EN 609 50
EN 600 65
Safety o f hou sehol d and simi lar
electrical appliances
EN 603 35
Manufac ture r/Import er
Sig natu re:
Name :
Date : Apri l 16 , 20 03
EN 6055 5-3
Timmy Huang
EN 5009 1-1
Timmy Huang
Safety for info rmation techn olog y eq uipment
includi ng electrical bussiness eq uipment
Gen eral and Safety req uirments for
un inte rrup tibl e po wer systems (UPS)
Summary of Contents for GA-7VAX-A
Page 14: ...10 KT400ASeries Motherboard English...
Page 38: ...34 KT400ASeries Motherboard English...
Page 66: ...62 KT400A Series Motherboard English...
Page 95: ...TechnicalReference 91 English...
Page 96: ...92 KT400A Series Motherboard English...
Page 109: ...Appendix 105 English...
Page 110: ...106 KT400A Series Motherboard English...
Page 111: ...Appendix 107 English...