according to regulation DIN 82079
Version 10.19
Date: 14.10.2019
Name: Manual_VARIO-MA
GIEBEL FilTec GmbH • Web
• Tel +49 (0) 7946 944401-0
Oil film on the desiccant
If oil particles get into the adsorber, the oil particles close the pores of the desiccant and thus prevent the
adsorption capability.
Ambient temperature too high
If the ambient temperature exceeds 80°C, the incoming ambient air is only dried to a limited extent.
Adsorber housing is damaged
Material resistance
When selecting an adsorber, the ambient and operating conditions should be taken into account.
Vibrations of the system
Strong vibrations of the system can damage the adsorber.
4. Thread from adsorber and accessories is damaged
When installing the adsorber and the valve part on the system, the threads must be slightly wet with oil.
If the oiling of the thread omit this can lead to trituration of the single thread and is no reason for a complaint.