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Cutting speed too slow or
Current to high.
Worn torch parts
Increase speed and/or reduce current until dross
is reduced to minimum.
Inspect and repair or replace worn parts.
Arc stops while cutting
Cutting speed too slow
Torch is too high, away from
Worn torch parts
Workpiece ground cable
Increase speed until problem solved
Lower torch to recommended height
Inspect and repair or replace worn parts
Connect Workpiece Ground Clamp to
workpiece or steel table.
Insufficient penetration
Cutting speed too fast
Torch tilted too much
Metal too thick
Worn torch parts
Slow travel speed
Adjust tilt.
Several passes may be necessary
Inspect and repair or replace worn parts
Consumables wear quickly
Exceeding unit capability
Excessive Pilot arc time
Improperly assembled torch
Inadequate air supply,
pressure too low.
Faulty air compressor
Material too thick, increase angle to prevent
blow back into torch tip.
Do not pilot for more than 5 seconds. You can
also start with torch in contact with metal or
within 1/16” of metal.
See section titled “Torch Assembly”
Check air filter, increase air pressure.
Check air compressor operation and make sure
input air pressure is at least 100 PSI