Functional description
The tripping matrix GKV 20x45 621
AM ELDP is a component of a
generator protection system. The
tripping matrix provides a transparent,
easily programmable facility for
combining output commands of the trip
outputs of individual protection devices
with plant items such as the circuit-
breakers, de-excitation etc. The matrix
was developed for marshalling tripping
commands of large power stations.
With its help, the tripping schematic
can be temporarily changed, e.g. in
case of a generator circuit-breaker
revision. If the software matrix
incorporated in each generator
protection unit is used for marshalling
the tripping commands, the marshalling
in the protection units must be changed
for this purpose.
The tripping matrix assigns the tripping
signals arriving at the matrix columns
to the freely programmable matrix lines
to which the tripping modules are
Mode of Operation
The tripping matrix GKV 20x45 621
AM ELDP has 45 columns (for 45
signals from protection units) and 20
rows (for 20 signals to tripping modu-
All input signals may be separated from
the Matrix by a discontinuity
connector (red).
High reliable diode plugs (black
handle) are used for programming the
matrix, the reliability being attained by
generous over-rating with respect to
forward current and reverse voltage.
Diode Plugs may be checked by a Dio-
de Plug Test Unit "D".
The diode plugs are inserted from the
front and enable any vertical column
(signals from the protection relays) to
be connected to any horizontal line so
that the tripping signals can be
transmitted to the tripping module.
Unused diode and connecting plugs are
stored in a pin park.
Each column has a LED for indicating
incoming tripping commands.
The display is stored "L".
Each row has a LED for indicating
outcoing tripping commands.
The display is stored "L".
Each outgoing tripping command re-
ceived additionally sets a group memo-
ry, which can be used for remote sig-
nalling and switching a rack lamp.
All signals remain stored even when
the tripping channels are interrupted or
when the red central connecting plug is
The memories can be reset directly by
a push-button "Reset" or by remote
The function of all LED’s may be
checked by pressing the "LED-Test"
The power supply of the memory
functions is 220VDC and feed an additi-
onal 5 VDC voltage for the LED function.
The monitoring of the power supply is
done by two relay contacts.
A lockable plexi-cover inhibits
unauthorised access to the program-
ming matrix "P".
Industriestrasse 6 | 4562 Biberist | Schweiz | | [email protected] | +41 32 671 13 13 (Telefon) | +41 32 671 13 14 (Fax)