G H A R I E N I b e d s
plug for maintenance work, running the bed over the mains cord or a
defective cord or cable.
Maintenance work and safety checks must only be carried out by
authorised professionals.
Immediately stop using defective equipment and make sure that it cannot
be used by unauthorised users again.
Before starting to use the bed, check the cabling (no damage). The mains
lead must not be run over nor overstretched during use.
Interference with other electrical appliances can occur in certain situations.
Make sure that the power outlet for the device is earthed properly and has the
right voltage (230 V).
1 . 4
S a f e t y d e v i c e s
Fuses, shielded cables and guards have been installed for personal safety. They
must not be removed, modified or by-passed.
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D a n g e r s d u e t o m e c h a n i c a l e n e r g y
Beware: Risk of getting trapped!
Always ensure that there are no objects or
parts of the body under the backrest or under the leg rest (ill.1).
Ill. 1
Observe the warning instruction notices on the bed and never put your hands
between moving parts.
Spline function:
All drives of this bed have a spline function. This means that the drives only
exert a force for lifting and that the relevant parts are lowered by their own
weight. This prevents parts of the body or objects being crushed under the
backrest and/or the leg rest. However, the weight of the various parts of the
bed is such that injury cannot be ruled out completely in spite of the spline
function, and special care is called for here (ill.1).