Safety functions
Safety functions
Force monitoring (DES)
0 = Off
Adjustable for 2 % to 10 % overload
Interruption of the photo cell function (DES)
(single reference position taught-in twice)
Travel time monitoring (NES)
0 = Off
1 to 90 seconds
Door safety switch function
(Input X2.2 / WSD door-module)
Slack-rope or pass-door switch
Crash switch as NC contact
After activation: "Hold-to-run" door operating mode
Crash switch as NO contact
After activation: "Hold-to-run" door operating mode
Crash switch as NC contact
After activation: Reversing in OPEN final limit position. Reset after contact
reset otherwise "Hold-to-run" door operating mode
Crash switch as NO contact
After activation: Reversing in OPEN final limit position. Reset after contact
reset otherwise "Hold-to-run" door operating mode
Automatic opening
(Automatic closing menu item 2.3)
0 = Off
1 to 99 minutes
Reversing duration adjustment
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