Signet 8150 Flow Totalizer
Totalizer Setup and Operation
During normal operation the 8150 displays the flow rate and one
selected totalizer value. Any one of the three totalizers can be set
as the standard display: The other two totalizers can be viewed
by pressing the keypad. The display will automatically return to
the standard selection after five minutes.
Totalizer is identified directly on the LCD.
This totalizer records all input from the time of manufacture.
The permanent totalizer cannot be reset.
Application: The permanent totalizer should be selected as the
standard if the system is monitored and the total
recorded regularly.
Total 1 (tot1)
can be reset from the keypad or from the
external RESET (see wiring, page 6) without the
security code.
Total 1
is identified by a flashing display every six seconds.
Application: Use Total 1 to measure water usage for a recurring
period, as for a daily discharge volume.
Total 2 (tot2)
can be reset only by entering the security code
in the calibration menu.
Total 2
is identified by a flashing display every six seconds.
Application: Use Total 2 for extended measurement periods, as
for a monthly discharge volume.
Define the Standard Totalizer
Any of the three totalizer functions can be set as the
standard display, or select SCAN to display all three
totalizers in sequence. The PERMANENT totalizer is
the factory standard selection.
Example: Change the standard Totalizer from
PERMANENT to Totalizer #1
1. Press ENTER key for 2 seconds. (Display shows
security key symbol and 0-0-0-0. Set security code
and press ENTER key.)
2. Press ▲ key two times. Display shows "def tot"
and the "PERMANENT" label.)
3. Press ► key. (PERMANENT label begins to flash.
4. Press ▲ key one time. Display changes
to flashing "tot 1".
5. Press ENTER key to complete the edit process.
6. Press ▲ and ▼ keys together to store new value
in the memory.
7. The display will show "Storing" for a few seconds,
then return to normal operation.
The new totalizer selection will appear after
a 5 minute delay.
5 m
Enter security code
2 s