for a latitude up to 25° take your latitude and multiply it by 0,87
for a latitude between 25° to 50° take your latitude multiply by 0,87 after that you will add 3,1 degrees
for a latitude over 50° the most ideal angle will end up being approximately 45° degrees
As you can see you will need to know your current latitude to be able to count out the most ideal angle to
position your solar panels in. The easiest way to do this is to do a search for your location on Google maps
and then right click on the location and choose “what is here”. A green arrow will then appear, if you click
on that arrow you will get the GPS coordinates for that spot on the map. The first numbers is the latitude
of the spot. Use that number in your calculations. For example GPS coordinates for Goodwood, Cape Town
is given below.
Use a bracket structure that can withstand high winds. The bracket structure must be made of durable,
corrosion resistant and UV resistant materials
Choose a fixing method:
100 Townsend St
Cape Town 7460
-33.906552, 18.540870
Installed by nut and bolt:
Fix the module to the structure using the
pre-fabricated holes
Installed by fixture
PV System Installers Guide
Installation of the PV panels