1. The Steam wand ⓰ & filter holder now need to be purged clean
with fresh water to remove descaling solution.
—Rinse Water tank
1. Remove the Water tank ⓭ and rinse thoroughly under running
water, ensuring that all traces of the descaling solution have been
— Fill Water tank
1. Fill the Water tank ⓭ under the max line with cold water from the
tap and insert into position.
— Empty Containers
1. Empty water from the containers and replace.
2. Move to Step 3.Start Purge
If Descaling Step 1 is not started
within 5 minutes after entering the Descaling
Cycle, the machine will exit the Descaling Cycle
and go back to the READY state.
The Descaling Cycle can be exited
at any point by pressing the steam button ❹.
Step 1. Start Descaling Cycle
1. Press Double/long cup button ❸ , the
Double/long cup button ❸ will blink white
light slowly (the power button ❶ keep blue
light fixed).
2. After the appliance flows 70mL of water, it
stops and 4 buttons keep blue light fixed.
Step 2. Preparing for Purge
There is a maximum of 5 minutes allowed to complete this
step before the Descaling Cycle exits.
Step 3. Start Purge
1. Move the cup under the Steam wand ⓰
2. Turn the steam/water knob ⓮ to the steam
“ ” position to release citric acid mix.
3. The Steam wand ⓰ will flow out and the
Single/short cup button ❷ and Double/long
cup button ❸ blink blue light slowly. (Please
refer to the section of “MAKING HOT WATER”.)
4. The Steam wand ⓰ will always flow out
citric acid until you turn the water/steam
knob ⓮ to horizontal position (off-position).
Descaling warning will be shown every 10 cycles after
cancelling the descaling warning as the appliance hasn’t finished
the descaling yet.
Note:Left the citric acid stay in the appliance for 4 minutes at the
first time.