Compared to conventional hot plates from grey cast-iron, those from
are lightweight. For example, a heating surface of 1 dm square
weights approx. 95, grey cast-iron with equivalent surface are approx.
900-1000 grammes. The heating-up periods are correspondingly short.
less mass needs to be heated-up. In addition, CERAN
admits ultra-violet waves. A further advantage is the expansion
coefficient, laying at approx. zero. Plate distortion through the action of
heat rarely occurs. The extremely good acid and temperature resistances
should also be noted. Sudden thermal shocks or cooling-off are optimally
handled by CERAN
lf value is placed on the continuous good appearance of CERAN
attention is absolutely necessary. Burnt-on crustaction can be ultimately
removed by employing a razor scraper. Contaminated CERAN
should furthermore be cleaned with a rinsing agent and water. For
tenacious stains and discolorations as well as for the high-grade steel
housing use special high-grade steel cleaning agents.
When cleaning the surface avoid using agents with sharp scratching
effect, as e.g. abrasive powders. lt is not possible to remove stains arisen
through the etching on by concentrated acids or lyes. However, the
appliance remains completely functional.
plate fracture
is highly resistant to fracture and withstands all thermic loads.
The plates can only fracture through the mechanical use of force, e.g. by
vessels or other hard objects falling on to a plate. In this rare case of a
plate fracture , the unit is to be removed from operation and the plate must
be replaced, advantageously at the manufactories.