The colors of the RGB color model can be mixed to produce the cyan, magenta,
and yellow of the CMY color model and vice versa. Two colors of one model are
mixed to produce the color of the other model (mixing blue and green produces
cyan, for example). The remaining color is the complement of the color pro-
duced (red in this example). Complementary colors are: red and cyan, green and
magenta, blue and yellow.
Printed Color
The printer produces full-color output using four toner colors: cyan, magenta,
yellow, and black. These four colors make up the CMYK color model.
Mixing CMY in equal proportions should hypothetically produce pure black,
but imperfections in the ink cause an equal measure of these colors to produce
a muddy or dark brown. Black toner is added to the color model in order to
make it possible to produce pure black.
Summary of Contents for C7006dw
Page 1: ...Operating Instructions Printer Reference...
Page 12: ...x...
Page 32: ...Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job 20 2...
Page 48: ...Paper and Other Media 36 3...
Page 94: ...Troubleshooting 82 4...
Page 126: ...Using the Operation Panel 114 5...
Page 142: ...130 UE USA G048...
Page 144: ...S1383 UE USA G048 8627 Type for Savin SLP624s SLP624d C7006d C7006dw SAVIN CORPORATION...