Instructions for Use
Ergostik Blueflow
Serial no.: xx|8|201|yyy and 2203xxxxx
Page 8
Version: 6 | Release date: 02 August 2022
Indicates a directly hazardous situation.
Not observing and not avoiding the situation will lead to
death or severe injuries. The signal word DANGER is
only used for extreme situations.
Indicates a possibly hazardous situation.
Not observing and not avoiding the situation may lead to
death or severe injuries.
Indicates a possibly hazardous situation.
Not observing and not avoiding the situation may lead to
minor or moderate injuries.
Indicates places in the IFU which are relevant to the current
topic but do not present any danger, or which simplify your
handling of the Ergostik Blueflow.
Not observing this warning information may lead to faults or
malfunctions of the Ergostik Blueflow or may indicate that
something in its environment may be damaged.