Instructions for Use
Ergostik Blueflow
Serial no.: xx|8|201|yyy and 2203xxxxx
Page 56
Version: 6 | Release date: 02 August 2022
Before the Ergostik Blueflow can be used to perform
measurements again, all components must be properly
reconnected, the USB connection to the computer must be
established, and the Ergostik Blueflow must be connected to the
power supply and calibrated.
Calibration also fulfils the regulatory requirements of MPBetreibV
§7 for functional testing after maintenance work.
Please proceed as described in the respective chapters.
Assembly Calibration Tube
Possible physical injury.
Reason: Measurement error due to leakage caused by
incorrect assembly of components. Therefore:
Carefully observe the assembly instructions!
Functional disorders possible.
Reason: Components and e.g. plug connections can be
damaged. Therefore:
All connections must be made carefully and without too
much force!