6.1.2 “Connection Problem” Error
“ERROR opening connection on port: COM_:” Port may be in use: close other app, or
use different port. The port ‘COMN:’ does not exist.”
Figure 81 - Connection Problem Error (Nautiz X8 Shown)
If the error shown in Figure 81 occurs, first verify which COM port is being used by the
GK-405 by checking in the COM Port section of the Windows Bluetooth settings (see
Figure 82 on the following page). Select that COM Port from the GK-405 application’s
COM sub-menu of the “Remote Connect with…” menu (Figure 83) then tap to reconnect.
See Section 3.5.3 for more information.
If the connection attempt fails multiple times when the verified COM port is selected,
perform a full power down and restart of the Field PC, and attempt to connect again
through the GK-405 VWRA.