operation. Normally you should not have to adjust this unless you are having
trouble performing downloads to your keypad.
5. RS232 Settings. These will need to be set to match your target system.
Please note that the downloader uses 9600, 8N1 so you must restore factory
defaults before re-programming the unit if you have changed these setting to
something else. You may also order the product with specific settings pre-
programmed into the device.
Keycap Labels
Click on the Key Labels button
. The standard 684 keys have clear
lenses which allow for labels may be inserted under the lens to indicate the key
function. Several templates are provided for Wordpad or Word or MS Paint in the
"Keycap Files" folder. Text, images or icons may be inserted in the template. The
resulting file can be printed and saved. The labels can then be cut with scissors
and placed under the lens caps.
You may also order custom key caps, custom labels or select from our stock of
industry specific key caps.
Customization Is Standard
The 684 product line has been designed with customization in mind. Contact our
sales or technical support staff for full-custom or semi-custom variations of our