1 Year Limited Warranty
1 Year Limited Warranty
1 Year Limited Warranty
1 Year Limited Warranty
This offer applies only to new Rapid fire controllers modified and sold by
Console Customs. Mod chips installed into customer controllers by console
customs or mod kits installed by customers into their own controllers are not
covered by this warranty.
Console Customs limited warranty covers manufacturer or modification defects
of the rapid fire mod chip and the controller itself for a term of 1 year from the
date of purchase.
This warranty does NOT cover conditions related to abuse, neglect, wear and
tear or natural disasters. This includes, but is not limited to, worn or broken
thumbsticks, loss of calibration, pushed in or broken buttons, damaged caused
by exposure to liquids or any other conditions which are not a result of a
manufacturing defect.
Patches or updates are NOT covered under warranty. All controllers are sold to
function with the current state of games as noted in the description. Any
changes to these games which prevent the controller from working are NOT
covered under warranty.
Removal or tampering with any security seal, Internal or external, will void the
warranty of the controller.
For question regarding warranty coverage or to open a claim please contact our
support team at
or visit our website
and click the “contact us” link at the top.