Figure 4. Cabling scheme for analog setup
Figure 5. Cabling and 2029B tone control settings when using subwoofer 1091A.
Figure 3. Cabling scheme for digital setup
Setting tone controls
Setting tone controls
Setting tone controls
Setting tone controls
Setting tone controls
The response of the system may have
to be adjusted to match the acoustic
environment. The adjustment is done
by setting the tone control switches
on the rear panel. The tone control
has four switches and can adjust 'tre-
ble tilt', 'bass tilt' and 'bass roll-off.'
The factory settings for these are 'ALL
OFF' to give a flat anechoic response.
See Figure 6 for suggested tone con-
trol settings in differing acoustic envi-
ronments. Figure 9 shows the effect
of the controls on the anechoic re-
sponse. Always start adjustment by
setting all switches to 'OFF' position.
Then set a switch to 'ON' position to
select the necessary response curve.
5. Monitor placement.
5. Monitor placement.
5. Monitor placement.
5. Monitor placement.
5. Monitor placement.
Console top mounting
Console top mounting
Console top mounting
Console top mounting
Console top mounting
Avoid mounting Genelec 2029B mon-
itors directly on the console top. In-
stead, position the speakers slightly
behind the console by using floor
stands, wall mounts or microphone
stands. This minimizes sound colour-
ing reflections from the console sur-
Placement in a room
Placement in a room
Placement in a room
Placement in a room
Placement in a room
To produce a true and accurate stereo
image the monitors must have exactly
similar frequency responses. When
placed in a room monitor responses
change due to reflections of the sound
waves from the room’s boundaries. It
is necessary to place the monitors at
the same height and also at the same
distance from the front and side walls
so that reflections, and therefore
changes to the frequency response,
are similar.
To avoid differences in frequency re-
sponses due to reflections from the
front wall, the monitors should be
placed either nearer than 1m or further
than 3m from the front wall. Placement
close to the front wall (<1m) will boost
low frequencies, and the tone controls
should be adjusted appropriately (see
figure 6).
The monitors should be aimed toward
the listening position. This maximizes
the ratio of direct sound to reflected
sound and the listener is able to hear
more of the material and less of the