background image

Figure 1: 1029A’s reference axis is located 

between the bass and treble drivers.

Figure 2: Control and connector layout on the rear panel of a 1029A.

sound quality cur rent ly possible. The ampli-

fi er unit also contains a protection cir cuit that 

monitors the output levels and prevents any 

damage to the driv ers. This makes the system 

im mune to overloads and spu ri ous signals.


A 19 mm (




") metal dome tweeter is loaded 

by a DCW, and is used to reproduce the high 

fre quen cies. The DCW is integrated into the 

one piece cabinet front baffl e.

The 130 mm (5") woofer is a bass cone 

driver mounted in a 4.5 litre vented cabinet. 

The -3 dB fre quen cy is 68 Hz and the low 

fre quen cy response extends down to 65 Hz 

(-6 dB).

Protective grilles are positioned in front of 

both drivers. Magnetic shielding is standard 

on the 1029A. Shielding is vital for applica-

tions such as video post production, where 

stray mag net ic fi elds must be minimized.

DCW Technology

The revolutionary Directivity Con trol Wave-

guide (DCW) tech 

nol o gy is a means of 

greatly improving the performance of a direct 

ra di at ing multi-way loudspeaker un der nor-

 mal listening conditions.

One of the basic aims is to match the per-

formance of the drivers in terms of both fre-

quency re sponse and directivity. This results 

in a smoother overall frequency re sponse on 

and off axis. In ad di tion, the improved direc-

tivity control causes more direct sound and 

less refl ected sound to be re ceived at the 

listening position. This provides improved 

stereo imaging and ensures that the sys tem 

is less sensitive to differing control room 

acoustics than con ven tion al direct radiator 

design. The DCW Technology improves the 

drive unit sensitivity by +2 to +6 dB (depend-

ing on the par tic u lar application), thus also 

in creas ing the available system maximum 

sound pressure level.


There are several pos si bil i ties for mounting 

the 1029A. On the base of the monitor is a 




" UNC thread ed hole which can ac com -

mo date a standard mi cro phone stand. There 

is a provision for an Om n i mount® size 50 

bracket, for which two M6x10mm screws 

are re quired. Al ter na tive ly the speak er can 

be hung on M4 screws with suitable heads 

by one of the three key 

hole slots on the 

backpanel. The speaker can be hung in a 

hor i zon tal or vertical position. Fric tion pads 

are pro vid ed for place ment on a shelf or a 



The 1029A is available in three colours: 

black, grey and white. The driver's protective 

grilles, volume and power knobs and stick-

ers on the back of the loud speak er are black 

except for the bass driver grille on the white 

version, which is white. 

Oth er op 

tions in 

clude wall and ceiling 

mounts, ta ble stand and soft car ry ing bag. 

Ask your local Genelec dealer for more 


Figure 3: Monitoring two sources.

Figure 4: Mono monitoring of a stereo 


Figure 5: 1029A connected to a 7050A 

subwoofer (only one channel shown).

1029A_DA.IND   3

27.1.2003, 12:57:15
