Genelec 1029A Datasheet Download Page 2

1029A Active Monitoring System


The Genelec 1029A is a very com pact bi-

amplifi ed active monitor system, which has 

performance comparable to much larger 

sys tems. The vented speaker en clo sure con-

tains an am pli fi  

ca tion unit. This unit includes 

an active electronic crossover, over 


protection circuitry and two power amplifi ers, 

one for each driver. The system's excellent 

dis per sion and precise imaging, to 

geth er 

with its compact size, make it ideal for near 

fi eld mon i tor ing, mobile vans, home studios, 

multimedia and home theaters.

The Genelec 1029A has been spe cial ly 

designed to have a suffi cient LF extension 

(-3 dB at 68 Hz) for most monitoring applica-

tions. However if greater SPL's and a lower 

cutoff frequency are re quired, it can be com-

plemented with the 7050A subwoofer, which 

has a lower cutoff point of 38 Hz.

Genelec’s unique Directivity Con trol Wave-

guide (DCW) tech nol o gy is used to provide 

excellent ster eo imaging and frequency bal-

ance, even in diffi cult acoustic en vi ron ments. 

Versatile tone con trols al low further matching 

of the system to its surroundings.  A pair of 

1029A's can produce peak acoustic levels of 

over 110 dB SPL at 1 m.

Integrated construction

The 1029A is very easy to set up and use, 

the only con nec tions re quired are the mains 

supply and the line level input. 

The integrated design allows the am pli fi  


and the drivers to be cal i brat ed as a single 

unit, elim 

i nat ing the effects of com 

po nent 

tolerances and en sur ing con sist ent quality.  

The rugged cast alu 

min i um cabinet has 

round ed cor ners and a hard-wear ing paint ed 

outer surface. 

Crossover filters

The amplifi er unit contains an ac tive cross-

over, a feature more com mon ly used in large 

and ex pen sive control room monitors. This 

is the ideal method for di 

vid ing the input 

signal between the driver units. The active 

crossover allows the overall response of 

the system to be optimized to an ex 


im pos si ble with a passive system. To main-

tain uniform fre quen cy bal ance in differing 

acous tic en 

vi ron ments, special calibrated 

controls are included in the active crossover 

network. These con trols include treble 'tilt', 

bass 'tilt' and bass 'roll-off' switch es.

Input connectors

The input is made via a balanced female XLR 

or a balanced 




" jack socket connector. The 

two input connectors offer great fl exibility as 

they can be used in parallel. This offers the 

possibility of hav ing two sources connected 

to the monitor at the same time. An additional 

confi guration is using a single 1029A to mon-

itor a stereo output. See fi gures 3 and 4.

The volume control is located on the front 

panel. This allows easy level matching with 

other audio equipment.


The bass and treble amplifi 

ers produce 

40 W of output power each, with very low 

THD and IM distortion values. The amplifi ers 

are designed to ensure the high est subjective 


•   Near Field Monitoring
•   Audio Video Post Pro duc tion
•  Mobile Vans
•  Home Theaters
•   Project / Home Studios
•  Digital Workstations
•  Multimedia Production and 
