Selecting the Ad Hoc Channel
When communicating in AdHoc or Pseudo AdHoc mode, you must specify a channel on which
communications will take place. To specify a channel, click the up or down arrow at the right of the
AdHoc Channel field until the channel you want to set appears, and then click the
This field is greyed in infrastructure mode because the channel is automatically selected by the
Access Point.
The Encryption menu lets you enable encryption and set the encryption keys. To see the available
encryption methods, click the down arrow at the right of the Encryption {WEP} field.
There are two encryption methods available. The IEEE 802.11 specification defines Wired Equivalent
Privacy (WEP) using a 64-bit key. This capability was extended by the industry to allow a 128 bit key.
If you specify an encryption method, you will only be able to communicate with Access Points and
stations that use the same encryption method and keys.