LTE Indoor CPE | User Manual
P. 20
Mobile Network | Default PDN
Status > Default PDN
Packet Data Network (PDN) Gateway is responsible for acting as an anchor of mobility
between 3GPP and non-3GPP technologies. It provides connectivity from the device to
external packet data networks by being the point of exit and entry of traffic for the device.
APN for network attach:
to let CPE to automatically capture APN from
your service provider or
to manually type APN name in
Authentication Type:
Select authentication type for APN from drop-down list;
“PAP (Password authentication protocol)”
, or
“CHAP (Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol)”
. Enter the corresponding username and
password in below fields if PAP or CHAP is selected.
PDN Type:
Only “IPv4” available at this moment.
Cancel button
Reset fields to the last saved values.
Apply button
Commit the changes made and save to the device, new