RemoDAQ-8017S User’s Manual
3 Command Set
To avoid communication conflicts when several devices try
to send data at the same time, all actions are instigated by the
host computer. The basic form is a command/response
protocol with the host initiating the sequence.
When modules are not transmitting they are in listen mode.
The host issues a command to a module with a specified
address and waits a certain amount of time for the module to
respond. If no response arrives, a timeout aborts the sequence
and returns control to the host.
Changing RemoDAQ’s configuration might require the
module to perform auto calibration before changes can take
effect. Especially when changing the range, the module has to
perform all stages of auto calibration that it also performs
when booted. When this process is under way, the module
does not respond to any other commands.
The command set includes the exact delays that might
occur when modules are reconfigured.
[delimiter character][address][command][data][checksum]
[carriage return]
Every command begins with a delimiter character. There
are four valid characters
a dollar sign $, a pound sign #, a
percentage sign % and an at sign @.