1. Remove any speed reference signal.
2. Turn the deadband pot. “DEAD B” and the current limit “CL” potentiometer to their full counterclockwise position.
3. Turn the power on. The motor should not rotate, or if it does, it should only slowly accelerate. If it accelerates rapidly, the
null adjustment is incorrect. Using an insulated shaft screwdriver with a narrow blade , adjust the “NULL” pot. slowly until the
motor no longer rotates , or accelerates very slowly.
4. Turn the current limit pot. “CL” clockwise approximately 25-30%. The motor should not be rotating.
5. Turn the deadband pot.”DEAD B” clockwise until a slight buzzing is heard.
6. Reconnect the speed pot. or external signal, and set the current limit pot. “CL” to approximately 50%.
7. Increase speed and observe motor direction. Remove power and reverse the motor leads if incorrect.
8. While varying the signal up and down , adjust the stability pot.”STAAB” for fast response without overshoot or hunting.
9. Adjust the maximum speed pot. “MAX SP” for rated speed, and repeat step 8.
12. Adjust the “IR COMP” for good regulation with varying loads.
The drive is now ready to operate with armature voltage feedback.
Model 12M6-42001 Enclosure