Implementation steps
The installation and configuration of the SafeNet ProtectServer Network HSM is part
of the setup of the overall network operating mode.
The following is a summary (with references to the location of detail) of the steps to
setup a cryptographic service provider, using the network operating mode and a
SafeNet ProtectServer Network HSM:
1. Install the SafeNet ProtectServer Network HSM
See "Installation" on page 7
2. Test the SafeNet ProtectServer Network HSM
To confirm the correct operation of the unit, see "Testing and configuration" on
page 9.
3. Configure the SafeNet ProtectServer Network HSM network settings
See "Testing and configuration" on page 9 for details.
4. Install and configure the Network HSM Access Provider software
Network HSM Access Provider software must be installed on the network client
and configured to support operation in network mode. Full details are in the
SafeNet ProtectServer HSM Access Provider Installation Guide
5. Install the high level cryptographic API
Install the high level cryptographic API to be used on the network client. Please
refer to the relevant installation guide supplied with the product for further
6. Configure the high-level cryptographic API
Generally, further operating mode related configuration of the cryptographic API
might be needed to finalize installation. Tasks might include:
establishing a trusted channel (secure messaging system (SMS)) between the
API and the Protect Server External 2.
establishing network communication between the network client and the
Protect Server External 2.
For further information refer to the high-level cryptographic API documentation, such
as the
ProtectToolkit C Administration Guide.