1 SafeNet Luna Network HSM Hardware Installation
SafeNet Luna Network HSM Required Items
This section provides a list of the components you should have received with your SafeNet Luna Network HSM order.
The specific items you received depend on whether you ordered a password-authenticated or a PED-authenticated
SafeNet Luna Network HSM, and whether your order included a backup device or other options as described below.
Basic SafeNet Luna Network HSM order items
The standard items that you should have received as your basic order for a SafeNet Luna Network HSM are:
SafeNet Luna Network HSM Appliance
Your order should include one password-authenticated or PED-authenticated SafeNet Luna Network HSM.
The different HSM models appear physically identical.
Power Supply Cord
One for each power supply, with connectors appropriate to your region of operation.
Adapter Cable: RJ45 to USB with a standard eight-pin, eight connector (8P8C) modular connector
SafeNet Luna Network HSM Installation Guide
Release 7.0 007-013576-002 Rev. A June 2017 Copyright 2001-2017 Gemalto All rights reserved.