Deep color is not working.
Does the display device on the HDMI output support HDMI 1.3 and Deep Color?
Make sure the output link confi guration is not set to YCbCr 4:2:2, since YCbCr 4:2:2
does not support Deep Color. In the OSD, set the link confi guration in the output menu
to RGB 4:4:4. Also try YCbCr 4:4:4.
The Scaler is not responding to the IR remote control commands.
Does the LED on the IR remote blink when you push on any one of the buttons? If not,
try changing the IR remote’s batteries.
If the power LED blinks when pushing the IR Remote’s MENU button near the Scaler
but not farther away from the Scaler, the Scaler’s IR signal is probably blocked. Place
the Scaler in another location where the Remote’s IR signal will reach it.
The IR remote and the Scaler must be on the same IR channel. The Scaler’s IR
channel is set through the OSD menu. The infrared remote’s IR channel is selected
by adjusting the 2 DIP switches near the batteries (see page 9). Try all channels if
necessary, especially if two scalers are being used in the same room.
A menu item is inaccessible (disabled).
The availability of OSD menu items is evaluated in real time by the Scaler. If the
Scaler cannot activate the desired feature, the corresponding menu item will be
disabled to prevent harm to the Scaler and/or connected equipment.
The Horizontal or Vertical screen position cannot be changed (from the OSD).
For screen positions to change, picture size must be reduced so that it fi ts within the
boundaries of the display device. Use the OSD to reduce the picture, then try again.
The picture has bars or stripes on the edges.
Verify that the Aspect Ratio confi guration option is set to Full Screen. If so, and the
problem continues, it is possible that the distortions are part of the source signal.
When these remedies do not solve the problem being experienced, please
update the Scaler’s software to the latest release and restart operation.
Please see page 27 for details on the software update procedure.
Troubleshooting Tips, Continued