C on ne ct in g th e Pr in te r
Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • SM AN -E- 471 -V2 .3 • The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 78 / 437 9
4 C on ne ct in g th e Pr in te r
V oltage Supply
Inter nal Battery Pack, Char ging
The battery pack includes 4 NiMH Mignon (AA) cells
with 1,500 mAh. A temperatur e sensor monitors the
battery temperatur e during the char ging pr ocess. A bi-
metal cir cuit-br eaker is integrated to pr otect against
short cir cuits and overheating.
The battery is connected with a 7 pin connector (14)
thr ough the window in the battery compartment. The
battery char ging voltage is connected thr ough the po-
larity pr otected socket (12).The plug-in power supply
for char ging is part of the supplied set. It has a con-
nection cable with the matching connector plug atta-
ched. A fully char ged 1,500 mAh battery will print up to
app. 50 m of thermal paper with normal text.
Battery Operation
The HP version of the printer has a battery compart-
ment (16) for single power MIGNON (AA).
This version does not have a char ging cir cuit. In this
case, the printer can either be operated thr ough 4 po-
wer batteries, or thr ough 4 exter nally char ged batteries
Fixed V oltage Power Supply:
In a special OEM version, the printer can be operated
with a stabilized power voltage (4.5 to 6.5VDC) thr ough
the socket (12). A suitable exter nal power supply for
this version is available fr om GeBE.
LiIon batteries A special OEM version of the printer is
equipped with an Li-ION battery .
LiION Akkus
GPT -4378/79 Power Management
Whenever the printer does not have data to pr ocess, it
will automatically switch to idle mode. In this mode, it
appears to be 100% active and is r eady to accept
data. The power consumption in this mode is typically
app. 5mA.
Sleep Mode
If a sleep time has been set via menu, the printer will
switch to the power -down mode after the set time has
passed. Any kind of data transfer (even infrar ed), activi-
ties on contr ol lines, connecting the char ger , or simply
pushing of the FEED/ENTER button will r eactivate the
printer immediately without changing its settings. Only
the print buf fer will be erased.
The necessary r eactivation and waiting for the r eady
message of the printer has to be consider ed in the prin-
ter drivers.
The power -saving sleep mode can be tur ned on or of f
thr ough the following functions:
• print settings menu • command fr om the host or fr om
the batch file TINIT
Power Of f
The printer is switched of f by holding down the"OFF/
NEXT"button for >3 seconds. It is tur ned on by pr essing
the FEED/ENTER button or by connecting the char ger .
Ther e is a component option available that allows the
printer to be switched thr ough the R TS line.
Char ging the GPT -4378/79
The GPT -4378 is equipped with an intelligent char ging
cir cuit without char ging curr ent limiting. The curr ent li-
miting is ensur ed thr ough the use of the power supply
that is supplied with the printer .
Additionally , the GPT -4379 has an inter nal contr ol for
the char ging curr ent. This allows the printer to be char -
ged fr om any fixed voltage sour ce between 10 and 28V
that supplies at least 1A . Cables for connecting to a
12/24V automotive power supply system ar e available
as accessories.
The char ging pr ocess is devided into thr ee steps:
Formatting Char ge
If the battery is over -dischar ged, it is first char ged with a
low-curr ent formatting char ge in or der to pr event dama-
ge to the battery . The formatting char ge is not signaled
exter nally . Depending on the status of the battery , the
formatting pr ocess can take about 1 to 5 minutes.
Fast Char ge
As soon as the battery voltage has exceeded the opera-
ting voltage of the printer , the printer will start a fast
char ge. This is signaled thr ough a slow flashing ST A TUS
LED and a message thr ough the interface.
For empty batteries, the char ging pr ocess takes about 4
hours for the GPT -4378 and about 3 hours for the GPT -
T rickle Char ge
As soon as one of the criteria for disconnecting has
been r eached, the printer will switch to a trickle char ge.
In this mode, the formatting curr ent flows permanetly . In
addition, the fast char ge is activated every 8 minutes for
20 seconds. This is signaled thr ough permanent lighting
of the ST A TUS LED and a message thr ough the
Befor e Installation:
Al w ay s di sc on ne ct th e po w er in th e sy st em !
V erw end en Sie für den Bat teri ebe trie b unb edin gt
die zuv erlä ssig en Alka li-M ang an- Bat teri en der T y-
pen bez eich nun g LR6 ! Zink -Ko hle- Bat teri en (T y-
pen bez eich nun g: R6) sind für den Dru cke r NIC HT
gee igne t!
Inse rted r ech ar gea ble bat teri es r equ ir e at leas t 3
com plet e cha r ging and disc har ging cyc les in or der
to r eac h thei r full cap acit y . Inco mpl ete cha r ging
and disc har ging cyc les dur ing ope rati on will r edu ce
the life spa n of the bat tery .
The use of a cha r ger dif fer ent fr om the one
sup plie d can cau se dam age to the prin ter .
The r eco mm end ed tem per atur e ran ge for cha r ging
the bat tery is bet wee n 20 and 25° C.
Full y disc harg ed batt erie s can dist urb the cha rgin g
in suc h a way that it brea kes in at less than 30
min utes and swit che s to pres erva tion cha rge. In this
cas e plea se star t to cha rge aga in by repu tting .