A cc es so rie s an d Sp ar e Pa rt s
Se rv ic e an d M ai nt en an ce
2 1
Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • SM AN -E- 471 -V2 .3 • The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 78 / 437 9
13 A cc es so ri es an d Sp ar e Pa rt s
14 Se rv ic e an d M ai nt en an ce
Documentation about the System GPT -437x-FLASH
All further documents can be found on the Inter net at www .oem-printer .com/flash. The softwar e manu-
al SoMAN-E-485 in English bzw . 484 in German is available fr om GeBE via Email ([email protected]).
Service ( GeBE T echnical Support)
For service or questions, please contact:
GeBE Elektr onik und Feinwerktechnik GmbH, Beethovenstr . 15 • 82110 Germering • Germany •
www .oem-printer .com Phone: 0049 (0) 89/894141-0 • Fax: 0049 (0) 89/8402168 • Email:
[email protected]
Further Information
Further information on the GeBE-FLASH
series is available at www .oem-printer .com/flash.
At this addr ess, you can also find a personal consultant who you can tur n to with your questions.
Or simply send an
to the GeBE
sales team
For or ders
, you can use the
fax number : 0049 (0) 89/894141-33
, which is located in the sales de-
A r t . N r .
Nom enc latu r e
Des crip tion
119 37
115 42
GM T-4 37x -Fla sh-T asc he
GM T-4 392 -LE VER -tr
Belt hols ter
Ope ning lid / leve r tran spa rent
119 75
120 04
119 53
GKA -48 4-1 -20 00
GKA -48 8-F LAS H-C AR
Cha rgin g cab le, one end ope n
12/ 24V auto mot ive cha r ging cab le
GK A-4 92
GK A-4 83
RS2 32 dat a cab le, one end ope n
RS2 32 dat a cab le at D-S UB 9 pin to PC
119 19
113 60
114 53
GK A-4 80
GNG -4,8 V -1,5 Ah- NiM H-P ack -07 0
USB dat a cab le at USB type A to PC
NiM H bat tery pac k 4 cell s 150 0 mA h
GN G-6 V -0,5 A-U
GN G-6 V -0,5 A-U K
Cha r ger GPT -43 78 EU
GPT -437 8 UK
119 08
119 09
113 47
115 55
GN G-6 V -0,5 A-U S
GN G-1 2V -1,2 A-A C
GPT -43 78 USA
Cha r ger GPT -43 79
GPR -T0 1-05 7-03 1-00 7-06 0A
GPR -T0 1-0 57- 031 -00 7-0 60A -(M axi)
The rma l r oll pap er
The rma l r oll pap er in max i lette r -r ead y for ship men t
For Prin ter (s.o .)
1, 2
1, 2
1, 3
1, 3
3 - 5
3 - 5
3 - 5
1, 2
114 71
on r equ est
GPR -T0 1-0 57- 30- 000 -06 0I
The rma l r oll pap er - Lab els
The rma l r oll pap er - Hig h T emp .
on r equ est
The rma l r oll pap er - 2-p ly
O EM O pt io ns fo r th is Pr in te r
• Custom housing color , design foil
• Pr ogram versions and special character sets
• Lar ge EEPROM:
up to 32KB
• Magnetic car d r eader:
thr ee tracks simultaneously
• Clock with alarm r egister:
automatic wake-up
• SPI-BUS Extensions
(e.g. keyboar d, LC display)
• Paper r ewinder
• Exter nal power supply
• Operation with exter nally char ged batteries or non-
r echar geable batteries