3. Parallel Data Input
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3-3. Signal logic and circuit format selection
(1) Signal logic selection (D0 ~ D15)
Dn = 1 when the contact connected to D0 to D15 is ON (closed circuit), or Dn = 1 when the
contact is OFF (open circuit) can be selected with parameter No. C32-1. (Appendix Table 3)
(2) Signal common selection (W1)
Setting of all signal commons to EX0 or EX24 can be selected with the W1 setting.
The sequence output method open collector and open emitter can both be corresponded to with
V 2 3 - P I 0
W 1
E X 0
E X 2 4
D 0 ~ D 1 5
T B 1 - 2
T B 1 - 1
S T B , L S B
C o ntroller such as seq ue nce r
O pe n collecto r o utpu t
O pe n em itte r o utp ut
E xte rna l
2 4V po w er su pp ly
5 K
5 K
Fig. 3-5 Short pin W1 setting